Wherefore art thou Ludacris?

Move B***h, get out the way! Kyle Field just hosted a George Strait concert with over 110,000 in attendance:

How would you feel about opening up Sanford as a concert venue? Profits from over 93,000 tickets could go a long way in the NIL game. Would the juice be worth the squeeze? Would you be okay with Sanford serving a dual purpose as a football stadium and concert venue? Pros? Cons?

Go Dawgs!

The Crimson and Gold – Football and Integration in Athens, Georgia

Good afternoon everyone. I was contacted by a member of the GTP community, MagnusDawgus, with a request to get the word out about his book. Never let it be said we don’t support our own here!

Here’s the info provided by MagnusDawgus:

I am the author of the upcoming book, The Crimson and Gold – Football and Integration in Athens, Georgia

The book covers the decade of the 1960’s and the early 1970’s starting with the integration of UGA and ending with the merger between Athens High and Burney-Harris High School to form Clarke Central. Interspersed between the battle for racial equality is some exciting football at all three high schools. For more details, please click the link below.

The book will be released by UGA Press on September 1. But if you pre-order between now and June 21, you will get half off of the list price of $25.95. Just make sure you enter the 08SALE discount code before purchasing. Thanks for your interest, and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.

Go Dawgs!

A Tailgaters dream?

A lot of us have had some trepidations regarding ESPN’s 100% ownership of SEC TV rights. ESPN has become a behomoth that basically controls sports. So, most of us didn’t see much positive about the SEC/ESPN deal. Well, here’s one thing out of the deal that may be helpful:

Here’s the full text of Coffey’s tweet if you don’t want to click over there:

Pretty much, the only exception is some select games marked as flex games between the late afternoon and night windows. Here’s what the release they sent out today said… “New this year is the debut of a new scheduling format for SEC games across all ESPN platforms, with the opportunity for teams and fans to know approximate start times for the entire season. Television windows (i.e., Early 12 to 1 p.m. ET start, Afternoon 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. ET start, or Night 6 to 8 p.m. ET start) will be announced for all remaining SEC-controlled games on Tuesday, June 11, with select games tagged as Flex games between the Afternoon and Night windows. SEC Now: Inside the 2024 Schedule premieres at 2 p.m. ET on Tuesday, June 11 to break down the full SEC schedule.”

So, other than the flex games, people will be able to plan ahead, make reservations (if needed), etc. etc. etc.

Go Dawgs!

Huddle Up 05/26/2024

Good morning! It’s this many days until Georgia Bulldogs football!

I think my count is off? I used an online calculator to get my initial results. But, it seems I was ahead (or behind?) by 1 day? So, I’m bringing Mr. Stroud back up today and moving Mr. Logue back to tomorrow. If anyone notices…

Go Dawgs!